I was relieved yesterday to be told by Bromley’s Executive Member for Transport, Highways and Road Safety that he has reversed his decision to charge some of our most vulnerable residents for parking in council car parks.
Charging Blue Badge holders to park had been the usual heartless Conservative decision, taken with little thought as to how this would affect disabled residents who need their vehicles to reach services they rely on, to shop, to see family and friends, to get out in the world as many of us are more easily able to do. My first thought was the loneliness this would cause as people stayed home due to the cost, disabled people who Scope estimate spend an additional £975 a month on items such as specialised equipment and higher energy bills.
The recommendation was rushed through our November Environment meeting. The paper never offered an Equality Impact Assessment (despite what the draft minutes say), there was no mention of a public consultation. They confirmed they had no data on how many Blue Badge holders are currently parking without charge in the car parks, and yet they were able to estimate they would receive £50,000 per annum from these new charges.
My Labour colleague Cllr Kathy Bance and I, and other opposition councillors on the committee, fought hard to have this decision thrown out or called back to committee. We argued online long after the meeting had finished. The proposal was weak, full of holes and had obviously been decided on without investigation into who they were hurting with such a callous decision.
Sian Pugh, a determined resident, who uses a Blue Badge for her disabled relative, started a petition in objection. She emailed frequently with councillors and the Executive Member, chastising him on his decision. Her petition took off and is heading towards 5,000 signatures. Facebook pages became full of comments from those who needed their Blue Badges to park near destinations and, as in one case I saw, where the parking badge helped transport the breathing equipment an elderly lady needed. Disabled residents were feeling worried.
Then the Conservatives got nervous. They announced an Equality Impact Assessment was taking place. Individuals and charities for disabled people wrote in, in droves. Subsequently the Conservatives announced they would launch a public consultation. Campaigners contacted MPs (who all made objections to Bromley). Journalists became interested and the proposal hit the national media. Sian fielded calls from TV companies and national newspapers!
On 28 January, the Conservatives capitulated. An excuse has been made as to why, of course. However, the real reason is the pressure brought to bear by the disabled community, and Bromley residents in general supporting them.
My thanks to Sian for raising the noise and to my Labour colleagues and all opposition councillors who pushed back on this one.
Sadly, there are other ways in which Bromley Conservatives will hurt residents and specifically those with disabilities. The new reductions in Council Tax support and the decommissioning of the £250k per annum Welfare Fund will hit people already struggling financially. Bromley Labour will continue to challenge such harsh decisions, which we believe should be reversed.
Please click the link below to sign our petition to retain the Welfare Fund. Thank you.
Cllr Alisa Igoe
Deputy Leader
Bromley Labour Group