Bromley Conservatives challenged over Councillor’s disgusting comments on veterans

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Bromley Labour has written to Bromley Council’s member and Armed Forces Champion, Councillor Mike Botting, to question comments made by a Conservative Councillor about homeless veterans at a Full Council Meeting – which have been labelled “disgusting” by a former soldier.

During a speech opposing the Labour Group’s motion, calling on the Council to support the Governments guarantee of housing for veterans, care leavers and domestic violence victims, Councillor Tickner suggested that not all veterans were “genuine, loyal service members” and indicated the Conservative Group would not support housing some veterans who presented as homeless.

An Army Reserve Soldier who has overseas operations experience, including Iraq and Afghanistan, responded, “I find Councillor Tickner’s comments disgusting. All veterans who serve deserve to be looked after by their country – and what’s more they have nothing to prove about their loyalty to the Crown. They’ve been prepared to give up their life and suffer all sorts of discomfort when they have been serving their nation. Patriotism through words is easy and cheap when one never risks their life of pays the cost of service. Those who represent us should avoid being cheap and ungrateful to those who are willing to serve and die for their country.”

In the letter, the Labour Group has:

  • Sought assurance that the Conservative administration is not discriminating between homeless veterans seeking housing support, as Cllr Tickner’s views seem to suggest 
  • Questioned what definition of ‘genuine’ and ‘loyal’ the Conservatives believe should be applied
  • Asked how many homeless veterans the Council has turned away in applying Cllr Tickner’s ‘genuine loyalty test’
  • Suggested that if Cllr Tickner’s views are not shared by the Conservative Group, that they publicly condemn his comments and ask him to apologise to veterans and our Armed Forces Community.

The comments came as the Bromley Conservative Group opposed a housing guarantee for all veterans. An amendment passed by the Conservative group removed all reference to supporting building affordable and social housing – raising further questions of whether Bromley Conservatives will continue to oppose building affordable housing for Bromley residents, including veterans, care leavers and survivors of domestic violence. Councillors from every opposition party voted against the Conservatives’ amendment.

Bromley Labour Group Leader Simon Jeal commented: “We in the Bromley Labour Group fully support our Armed Forces Community, including all veterans. We consider that everyone who serves our country deserves of our respect and admiration. We therefore fully support the Government’s ‘Homes for Heroes’ scheme, guaranteeing housing for veterans facing homelessness. 

We were shocked to hear Cllr Tickner’s comments indicating that the council should only support ‘genuine’ homeless veterans and would urge his Conservative colleagues to condemn his views and make clear they are not practised by Bromley Council.”